Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kickin' It Hard Free Internet Release

{Please note before reading: I'm doing this to impress girls and music geeks.}

Well here goes nothing. To those of you who have heard the words from my very mouth that I had quit TEAMSTERS! I was lying. Perhaps not lying so much as frustrated and tired.

I still don't know when we're playing our next show. We are currently working on new material. The future looks a lot groovier.

I've uploaded some recordings made during the post-Sarah Dallas\pre-Steve DK era. Which was February and March of 2010. The cat with the sick guitar licks on this is Charlie. I don't know his last name. And before you call me an asshole think of how many of your friends last names you can remember. And if you can remember all of them then tell me why. Because I don't find it necessary to fill my head with useless trivia like last names.

Anyhoo. I think these recordings sound pretty good. There are no vocals on any of them. Only two of them have lyrics anyway. I've included the soundforge files so you can mix them any way you want and add your own vocals even. I don't care. If you think its cool, share. If you make something cool with them, share. Think of it like a TEAMSTERS! coloring book of sound or whatever I don't care.

The only reason I'm doing this is so you don't forget about this band. We are prone to spontaneous dotcombustion. And you may never hear from us again.

Also I won't play some of these songs ever again. Don't get me wrong they're really fucking great songs but I wrote them during a time in my life that was not all that great. All I have to say about that is... don't get to heavily involved with psychedelic drugs, don't trick yourself to thinking you are in love with a hippy, don't ever work for Heather Haviland, and don't kick it with anyone who identifies themselves as a member of the TOWER SKINS. (Who can all go fuck themselves with a fork.)

And before you start gettin' all rock n rollier than thou on me keep in mind we recored all these tracks in four hours without having practiced them in two months. Charlie hadn't even spoken to us we basically had to kidnap him to do this.

Thanks to Tim Fry and Mark Baldarelli for recording this session. You guys did a killer job. Also I play bass in another band called The Formula (U.S!)our first Album Alchemy 1 is out now. It sounds amazing so buy it from us.

Kickin' It Hard.